Colombia - Imbachi Familia Gesha / Omni Roast

Colombia - Imbachi Familia Gesha / Omni Roast

Regular price $30.00
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Flavour Profile: Raspberry Soda, Mandarin, Nougat

Producer: Imbachi Familia

Origin: San Agustin Colombia

Elevation: 1900 MASL

Variety: Gesha

Process: Washed 

Sourcing: Caravela


You may recognise the Imbachi name from previous microlots we have roasted from Sonia and her father Carlos. Carlos produces coffee on his farm with his two sons while Sonia and her husband operate their own farm nearby. In previous years they have branded and marketed their coffees separately but due to the hard work put in by the whole family, they have made a mutually beneficial decision... instead of separating land they will call the lots "IMBACHI FAMILIA".

For them, this streamlined processes and from a financial standpoint, there's an important aspect to consider. In the past, when coffees were labeled and categorized under different names representing the family's sons, they faced unnecessary and excessive Colombian taxes, which eroded their profitability. Fast forward now and the farm is very much a collaborative effort across the entire family as they continue to produce arguably the best coffees from San Agustin within Caravela's producer portfolio.